【火鍋拼盤 family hotpot combo】
promotions 6/1/2021
冬天來襲,又係打邊爐嘅季節!今次繼續為大家搜羅美食福袋,除左多款大熱靚牛肉* 之外,仲有西班牙栗飼豬梅肉薄片、全殼熟蜆、越南原隻熟花螺、原隻魷魚筒、韓式午餐肉同日本真打稻庭烏冬!
加$100 – 可自選其中一款牛肉* 升級至皇牌「手切美國安格斯牛小排薄片」
加$200 – 即換購日本補水帶子 (250g) 及原條波士頓龍蝦尾 (4oz)
– 加拿大冰鮮top aaa牛肉薄片:牛腹心肉、牛腩排肉及牛腹胸肉
– 美國頂級牛板腱薄片
family hotpot combo
finally, it is winter, the perfect season for hotpot! we add various elements into this combo, despite of the assorted beef*, spanish chestnuts fed pork collar (sliced), cooked clams, vietnamese periwinkle snail, squid, korean luncheon meat & japanese inaniwakaze udon are also included!
with the limited offers:
– add $100 to upgrade the beef* (from the set) to the signature u.s. angus beef short rib (sliced)
– add $200 to purchase 1 set of japanese frozen scallop (250g) & boston lobster tail (4oz)
* the assorted beef are included:
– canadian chilled top aaa beef: flat meat, flank steak & hanger steak
– u.s. prime top blade (sliced) offer valid while stocks last!
* 圖片只供參考
* photo for reference only
#ShelterKitchen #ShelterKitchenHK #hongkongeats #hkfoodie #hotpot #打邊爐 #打邊爐福袋 #福袋 #fooddelivery #assortedbeef #canadianchilledtopaaa
【韓燒精選包 korean bbq set】
promotions 6/1/2021
其實呢個係一個萬用派對福袋,好多客人都用喺屋企開party,無論係蒸煮或者用光波爐 / 焗爐都一一駕馭到!非常方便! 12月天氣開始轉涼喇!我地再為大家推出一個在家韓燒套餐(4-5人用),而且今次係嗜牛朋友嘅福音, 入面包括左一個韓式拼盤(加拿大冰鮮top aaa 牛腹心肉片、牛腩排肉片、牛腹胸肉片(即封門柳)、醬醃牛肋骨肉)、無骨黑椒鹹豬手,自家醃制嘅韓式香辣春雞同韓式豬仔骨。
再隨機送你韓式禮品:午餐肉 / 明太魚湯 / 牛肉湯(其中一款) 總值hk$700,而家只售hk$538。 等你可以安在家中,開個爐就食得!
*野生緬甸紅腳虎蝦王2隻 及 日本刺身帶子(約250g)
thanks all for the support & positive feedback of our nov thanksgiving bag!
it is actually an all-in-one party set, all the meat & seafood we prepared can simply cook with steamer, halogen cooking pot or oven, convenient as you can imagine! after collecting all the comments previously, we have prepared a homey korean bbq set for this winter! and specially made for the beef lovers with a juicy beef platter (canadian chilled top aaa flat meat, flank steak, hanger steak & marinated beef rib), boneless black pepper pork knuckle, spicy chicken & pork rib.
additionally, one korean product will randomly give away with this set (luncheon meat, alaskan pollack soup or beef soup)! all foods are well prepared at our side, and what you need is only a strove!
add hk$300 to upgrade the homey set with free delivery immediately:
* a5 kagoshima beef 1 pc (+/- 400g)
myanmar sea tiger prawn 2pcs & japanese scallop sashimi (+/-250g)
don’t miss out our special price at hk$538 for the value of hk$700 products! limited stock!
* 圖片只供參考
* photo for reference only
#homeyKorean #BBQset #KoreanBBQ #BeefLovers #Beefplatter #Canadianchilledtopaaa #luncheon #精選包 #BBQ餐套 #韓燒 #嗜牛 #韓式拼盤 #韓式午餐肉
親民之選 – 大大包都只係 $64 (500g)
promotions 12/1/2021
必煮推介:冬日火鍋、日式牛肉丼、涮涮鍋、金菇肥牛卷 ……等等
value pick – 500g at only $64
u.s. beef short plate is comparatively valuable with good quality, it is suitable in anyways, for example, hotpot, japanese beef & onsen egg don, shabu shabu & enoki mushroom roll etc. the beef short plate is a forequarter cut from the belly below the rib cut. it has the right amount of tough and fatty meat, texture is tender and juicy. let’s stock up some beef for hotpot on these freezing days! and try the above recipes with the leftover beef!
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* photo for reference only
#shelterkitchen #肥牛腩片 #美國肥牛腩片 #beefshortplate #冬日火鍋 #日式牛肉丼 #涮涮鍋 #金菇肥牛卷 #hotpot #JapanesebeefOnsenEggDon #ShabuShabu #Enokimushroomroll #打邊爐 #火鍋 #Meathongkong #Meatdelivery #fooddeliveryhk #hongkongeats #hkfoodie #frozenfoodhk #beef #肥牛 #beeflover
promotions 19/1/2021
牛小排取自牛隻前胸肋骨部位,呢個部位嘅肉質結實及有豐富油脂。美國頂級 (prime grade) 係美國農業部(usda)裡最高等級,油花分布如雪花般細緻,唔單只賞心悅目,肉質更係鮮嫩甜美。最重要每片都係人手切,可保留更多肉汁,食落口感絕對唔係機器切割可以媲美!近來極受吹捧嘅手切牛肉,係街市閒閒地都要排兩個鐘頭,而家shelter kitchen只需喺電話輕鬆落單,就可以有專人送到你屋企樓下* 。
另外仲有安格斯手切牛小排作選擇 – $320/kg。
hand-cut u.s. prime beef short rib
short ribs are taken from a short portion of the rib bone, which is overlain by meat that varies in thickness, with the right amount of tough and fatty meat. prime grade is the top grading in usda, the distribution of fat is meticulous as snowflakes, the meat is tender and rich flavor. most importantly, all the short ribs are sliced manually, but not by machine. in this case, beef will be moister, texture is just totally different from machine-cut! hand-cut beef is being so popular recently, people spend at least 2 hours purchasing in the traditional market, and now you can just simply order from the shelter kitchen, with free delivery service * hygiene and convenience!
for such deluxe beef, only $360/kg is good enough for 4-6 people to enjoy;
we also provide hand-cut angus beef for your alternative at $320/kg.
* enjoy our free delivery service to kowloon, shatin and tsuen wan districts for the order are net $600 or above, please contact us for any enquiries or details.
* 圖片只供參考
* photo for reference only
#shelterkitchen #fooddeliveryhk #hongkongeats #frozenfoodhk #Meathongkong #Meatdelivery #freedelivery #USprimebeef #USPrimeshortrib #shortrib #handcutbeef #USDA #topgradebeef #onlineorder #beefdelivery #hkfoodie #手切美國頂級牛小排 #美國牛小排 #牛小排 #送貨優惠 #電話落單
promotions 22/1/2021
波士頓龍蝦就聽得多,今次為大家介紹都係位於美國的緬因州龍蝦,佢地係最大龍蝦出產地,加上專門出產上等龍蝦,而被稱為龍蝦王國! 為左海洋生態可持續發展,緬因政府推行一系列的嚴格捕獲規管,因此其海產質素絕對有保証,100% 天然野生龍蝦比起養殖龍蝦來得矜貴,不單口感彈牙,肉質更份外鮮甜!
boston lobsters are the most common variety in the world, and now we are going to introduce another lobster kingdom that produces a large amount of deluxe lobster, also located in the us-maine island. to maintain the sustainable development of marine ecology, the maine government has implemented a series of lobster catching regulations, thus the quality of its seafood is absolutely guaranteed.100% natural wild lobster is more expensive than farmed lobster. textures are excellent, with juicy & favorable meat.
suggested dishes: pan-fried lobster tail with herb & butter sauce, lobster salad, baked lobster rice in seafood sauce.
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* photo for reference only
#shelterkitchen #fooddeliveryhk #hongkongeats #hkfoodie #frozenfoodhk #seafoodhongkong #seafooddelivery #onlineorder #Lobsters #AmericaLobster #MaineLobster #LobsterLover #Lobsterdishes #LobsterTail #龍蝦尾 #緬因州龍蝦 #美國龍蝦 #美國野生龍蝦尾 #野生龍蝦尾
promotions 28/1/2021
市面上的茶葉包有林林種種,今次我地為大家選左一隻全天然無公害嘅茶包系列,有利可持續發展生態。茶葉選用淺烘焙方式,茶感較溫和,有助都市人舒緩疲勞及壓力。可選: 桂花烏龍、花香伯爵茶、草莓奇異果果茶、薄荷朱古力。
there are varieties of tea in the market. we specially selected series of biodynamic teabag for you, and this kind of farming method is benefit to the sustainable development of the ecology. the tea is lightly roasted, thus the tea are milder, which helps us to relieve fatigue and stress. varieties: osmanthus oolong, floral earl grey, strawberry & kiwi fruit tea & chocolate mint.
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* photo for reference only
#ShelterKitchen #FoodDeliveryHK #FoodDelivery #Tea #BiodynamicTeabag #OnLineOrder #osmanthusoolong #floralearlgrey #strawberrykiwifruittea #chocolatemint #HKeats #hkfoodie #天然無公害茶包 #茶包 #桂花烏龍 #花香伯爵茶 #草莓奇異果果茶 #薄荷朱古力 #HongKongTea
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