


promotions 20/7/2021

australian m8-m9 wagyu chuck flap tail

嗜牛肉者如飲紅酒,以尋找不同養殖區、不同品種、不同部位為樂趣。平時火鍋及燒烤大都只會嗌牛小排?今次我地為你介紹一個較少見又同樣美味的部位 – 牛頸脊!牛頸脊位於牛頸與肩胛之間,是牛隻活動最多的部位。所以脂肪較平均,肉質偏瘦而且十分有彈性,肉味濃厚鮮嫩,啱晒健美又饞嘴嘅人士!

係咪想馬上試吓呢個咁特別嘅部位呢?而家只需以hk$400/kg嘅價錢就可以食到澳洲m8-m9和牛牛頸脊喇!話我地知你想點食法,仲可以幫你代切 (2mm) 嘅厚度再入埋盒,方便又衛生!

enjoying beef is like tasting wine. it is fun to discover different regions and varieties of beef.

beef top blade is your regular order for hotpot and bbq? now we are introducing you to a comparatively rare but delicious part – chuck flap tail.

the chuck flap tail is between the ox neck and shoulder blades, which is the most active part of the cow, with an even distribution of fat, nice flavor & tender texture.

do you want to try it immediately? now you only purchase the australian m8-m9 wagyu chuck flap tail at hk$400/kg, simply let us know how do you want to cook & we can slice it according to your preference (2mm), which is convenient and hygienic!

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為答謝顧客的支持,鹿兒島a4和牛現以優惠價hk$900/kg (原價hk$1,100/kg) 發售。

promotions 14/7/2021

現凡購買兩塊鹿兒島a4和牛,更有驚喜優惠,有機會免費隨機升級至近江牛 / 神戶牛!(最高總值hk$1,500/kg)



thank you all for the continuous support and now kagoshima a4 beef is only hk$900/kg (ori. price hk$1,100/kg). any purchase of 2 pieces of kagoshima a4 beef, having a chance to win a free upgrade to ozaki / omi beef (value up to hk$1,500/kg).

with first come first serve basis.

kagoshima is the largest wagyu producer in japan, excellent marbling with tender & juicy mouthfeel, plus its outstanding beef flavor becomes one of famous beef varieties among the world.

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* photo for reference only


澳洲 m6-m7 和牛肉眼,嚐鮮價:$280/kg,數量有限,售完即止!

promotions 2/7/2021



the australian wagyu beef blade and short rib were overwhelming! after collecting all the feedback, we sourced a limited quantity of australian m6/m7 wagyu sirloin for thanking our supporters!

this high quality sirloin is combining both benefit of japanese wagyu & australian angus, remain the tenderness with less greasiness, it is absolutely a perfect choice for hong kong people. now try this at hk$280/kg, limited stock!

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網上訂購 online ordering

* 圖片只供參考
* photo for reference only

#wagyubeef #meatlover #shelterkitchen #juicymeat #specialoffer #limitedstock #beeflover