promotions 31/8/2022
今次推出一個宮崎a5和牛燒烤拼盤,比大家一次過試哂10個不同部位,5mm厚切,每個部位約100g重,燒肉必選,每套hk$800 (約1kg),數量有限,售完即止!拼盤包括:
上肩胛肉 – (L) 辣椒肉、(L) 上三筋、(L) 大三角、(L) 小三角
牛小排 – (M) 貝身、(M) 牛五花 (牛小排)、(L) 牛肋條
牛腹肉 – (M) 內裙肉、(M) 腹脇肉、(L) 牛腹肉(M) – 霜降肉、(L) – 赤身
same question from customers, any special wagyu beef cuts could be recommanded? maybe the variations of wagyu beef cuts at the market look confusing. most of the customers might recognize the rib-eye and sirloin because they’re usually on the menu. we highly recommend ordering the wagyu beef platter, you have to come here!now, a miyazaki a5 wagyu beef platter has arrived. let’s try 10 different wagyu beef cuts at once, sliced at 5mm thickness. approx. 100g for each cut. highly recommended for korean bbq, hk$800/set, approx. 1kg, while stocks last!set included,
clod – (L) chuck tender, (L) petite tender, (L) bolar blade , (L) anconaeus
short ribs – (M) flap meat, (M) short ribs, (L) rib finger
plate – (M) inside skirt, (M) flank steak, (L) short plate
(M) – marbled, (L) – lean
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熊本藤彩牛 (特選a5) 和牛終於到貨!是日本頂級牛肉之一,不可不試!肉質及油脂分佈相當出色,牛香相較一般和牛加倍濃郁細膩,入口即溶,為你帶來味蕾的最高享受。限時優惠 hk$1,300/kg,數量有限,售完即止!
promotions 22/8/2022
來自熊本著名的フジチク (fujichiku) 農場的藤彩牛,農場位於阿蘇火山山腳,環境優美。無論在飲食及日常照料上,フジチク農場均一絲不苟:牛隻飲用的來自天然的純淨阿蘇水,水質清甜甘醇,蘊含豐富的礦物質;牛隻日常所食的的飼料,亦經農場悉心考量,並根據每隻牛的生長及健康情況,再仔細調配,確保營養均衡,甚至有特定的健康管理,務使牛隻以最佳狀態茁壯成長。在細心照料下,藤彩牛擁有相對不可思議的美味,牛肉色澤亮麗鮮明,肉質細嫩可口,而牛肉與油花的比例恰到好處,形成彷彿紥染般漂亮的霜降紋理,油花比例更達 b.m.s. 標準6級,口感軟綿嫩滑,濃郁油脂齒頰留香,放入口中隨即自然地化開,不費吹灰之力,名符其實的入口即溶。滿溢的牛肉香氣過後,和牛獨有的甘甜之味又再湧現。
kumamoto fujiaya-gyu a5 wagyu beef is finally arrived! one of the top beef in japan! excellent marbling, with a richer and delicate flavour than the average wagyu beef. it melts in your mouth. the unique sweetness of wagyu beef that will make your taste buds burst with joy. special offer hk$1,300/kg while stock last!
fujichiku cattle come from the famous fujichiku farm in kumamoto, located at the foot of mount aso in a beautiful environment. the cattle are fed a diet of pure, natural aso water, which is sweet and rich in minerals, and the feed they receive is carefully considered and blended according to each cow’s growth and health conditions to ensure a balanced diet and specific health management to ensure they grow in the best possible condition.
the beef is brightly coloured, tender and tasty, and the right ratio of beef to blossom, creating a beautiful frosted pattern and melts in your mouth with it an the overwhelming aroma of beef.
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仙台 (特選a5) 和牛終於駕到!限時優惠 hk$1,300/kg,數量有限,售完即止!
promotions 18/8/2022
今次shelter kitchen為大家帶嚟仙台 (特選a5) 和牛,絕對係十分稀有,口感柔軟細膩、味道醇厚、肉汁豐富,其油脂和肉香產生了絕妙的平衡。宮城縣是日本主要稻米產地,因盛產優質稻米而聞名。這裡冬天少降雪,充足的陽光與乾燥時節讓稻草質素更佳,適合牛隻享用。當地牛隻除了吃稻草,農民還會把稻米磨成粉末後混到飼料,或使稻穗和莖一同發酵來餵養。據說,讓牛吃稻米可以提高脂肪量,而有些仙台地區的農民還會用糯米來餵牛兒!得天獨厚的環境與飼料,讓仙台牛成為只有a5及b5等級的日本頂級黑毛和牛,更於東京食肉市場品評會兩度奪最高名譽賞。
finally, a5 sendai beef has arrived! special offer hk$1,300/kg while stock last!
the sendai beef with a5 grading which is extremely rare and now available at shelter kitchen for a limited time. the taste of sendai beef is soft and mouth-watering, characterized by a mellow flavor and rich gravy. its fine taste, born from the exquisite balance of fat and lean meat.
miyagi prefecture is a major rice producer in japan and is famous for its high quality rice. there is less snow in winter here, and dry season with the abundant sunshine make the straw quality better for cattle. in addition to eating the straw, the cattle are also fed by farmers who grind the rice into powder and mix it with fodder, or ferment the stalks and ears together. it is said that allowing cows to eat rice can increase their fat mass, and some farmers in the sendai area also use glutinous rice to feed their cows! the unique environment and feed allow sendai beef to become japan’s top black japanese beef with only a5 and b5 grades, and it has won the highest honorary award twice at the tokyo meat market evaluation.
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