


promotions 21/2/2023

每5年舉辦一次的「全國和牛能力共進會」,匯集了來自日本各地最好的和牛,其歷史可以追溯到1966年,有56年的歷史。其中宮崎牛在2007年打敗松阪牛和神戶牛,自始連續4年在全國和牛能力競賽中獲得了最高獎項 – 大臣獎。


shelter kitchen introduce the japanese wagyu beef tenderloin (miyazaki). you’ll be able to enjoy the world’s most prestigious tenderloin with a large group of friends and family members. the absolute best of the best. now available to order in whole or different cuts as chateaubriand, center cut or tail for freshness and convenience. act now while supplies last!

since 1966, with a history of 56 years, the national wagyu beef aptitude promotion contest is held once every five years, gathering the best wagyu cattle from all over japan. miyazaki wagyu defeated matsusaka wagyu and kobe wagyu in 2007. since then, miyazaki beef has won the prime minister’s award, the highest award, in four consecutive competitions.

wagyu is well known worldwide for its marbling characteristics and naturally enhanced, flavor. this tenderloin has all these attributes in addition to being the juiciest and tender cut.

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今次限量的美國金標「srf 極」和牛肩胛肉眼芯,限時優惠 hk$450/kg,數量有限,唔好錯過!

promotions 10/2/2023

shelter kitchen 今次誠意推介「srf 極」這一個米芝蓮餐廳指定選用的美國和牛品牌,有日本和牛的油花,亦有安格斯牛的肉質,因此美國和牛在市場上被認定為最高級嘅牛肉之一。今次限量的美國金標「srf 極」和牛肩胛肉眼芯,肉質柔軟,味道多變,帶微微的甘甜,揮之不去的餘韻,提供了一個夢幻般的品嚐體驗。


the american wagyu beef combined richness marbling of japanese beef and robust beef flavor of american beef, these made the american wagyu are one of the greatest beefs in the market. we highly recommend the michelin-starred restaurants official wagyu partner – srf, u.s. chilled srf wagyu beef chuck eye log (gold), features a buttery texture, complex flavors, subtle sweetness and a lingering finish offer a fantastic tasting experience.

recommended cooking methods: grilling steak with thick-cut. now get the special offer at hk$450/kg while stock last! don’t miss out!

for details of our products, please click here.

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#shelterkitchen #meatlover #wagyu #wagyubeef #bbq #beefchuck #chuckeyelog #chuckeye #homechef #bestmeat #fooddelivery #homedelivery #homecooking #cookery #chef #hkfoodies #beef #beefmaster #beeflover #srf

shelter kitchen 今次為大家帶嚟日本和牛角切,千祈唔好錯過呀!數量真係有限,價錢絕對超值!hk$138/盒就可以享用到和牛,每盒約1磅,係咪好吸引呢?唔好再諗喇,售完即止!

promotions 9/2/2023


don’t miss the chance to experience the japanese wagyu beef cube with a speical price at hk$138/box, approx. 1lb. limited edition while stock last.

if you are looking into cooking other lip-smacking dishes which are great for either regular days or special gatherings, our japanese wagyu cube is your first choice. with its rich flavour and awesome tenderness in every bite, it will surely make your dishes become more delectable and exceptional with a twist of rich wagyu goodness.

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#shelterkitchen #premiumbeef #japanwagyu #beefmaster #japanesewagyubeef #homeparty #wagyucuts #wagyu #wagyubeef #beef #beeflovers #beefmaster #homechef #japan #bbq #koreanbbq #和牛 #燒肉 #韓燒