
mashed potato

來自歐洲名廠farm frites,精選來自歐洲的新鮮馬鈴薯製成,品質保證。 薯蓉只是輕微的調味,可以享受薯仔本身的甜美和蓬鬆的感覺,留有空間可再調配適合自己的口味,輕鬆製作使用薯仔的菜餚。不論是作為頭盤小食還是牛扒配菜都讚口不絕。

from farm frites, a famous european factory, it is made from selected fresh potatoes from europe, with guaranteed quality. mashed potatoes are only lightly seasoned, and you can enjoy the sweetness and fluffy feeling of the potatoes themselves. there is room for you to adjust your own taste, and it is easy to make dishes using potatoes. whether served as an appetizer or as a steak side dish, it is full of praise.


數量有限,請whatsapp 聯絡我們!
place order or enquiries, please whatsapp us!


九龍區  kowloon
– 凡惠顧 $600以上包送貨。free delivery at purchase $600 up.

新界區 new territories
– 包括西貢區,凡惠顧 $800以上包送貨。tung chung & sai kung district included, free delivery at purchase $800 up.
– 東涌,凡惠顧 $1,200以上包送貨。for tung chung, free delivery at purchase $1,200 up.
– 愉景灣,凡惠顧 $1,000以上包送貨,另加行車及隧道收費$140。 for discovery bay, free delivery at purchase $1,000 up & extra $140 toll rates of road tunnel.

港島區  hong kong island
– 港島東至西區,凡惠顧 $600以上包送貨;港島南區則惠顧 $800以上包送貨。for hong kong island from east to west, free delivery at purchase $600 up. for hong kong island south, free delivery at purchase $800 up.


自取點 pick-up
pick-up point at hoi bun road kwun tong by reservation.
pick-up time: tue – sat, 1000 – 1300 (except holidays).


* 圖片只供參考
* photo for reference only

** 數量有限售完即止
** supply while stocks last