myanmar sea tiger prawn
生長在緬甸海岸線上的野生緬甸紅腳虎蝦含有豐富蛋白質,和對身體十分有益的多種維生素和礦物質。 肉質肥美而味道鮮甜,虎蝦適合炒,烤或白灼,為使蝦肉更鮮嫩和多更汁,我們建議烹調後才去殼食用。
myanmar sea tiger prawns growing in the coastline of myanmar, it’s an excellent source of rich protein and several important vitamins and minerals that good for your body. it can be served in many different ways: stir fry, grill or poach. we suggest removing the shells after cooking to makes a juicier, more flavourful prawn.
九龍區 kowloon 新界區 new territories 港島區 hong kong island |
* 圖片只供參考
* photo for reference only
** 數量有限售完即止
** supply while stocks last